Truly Media – Real Life Exercise Students will be divided in teams and will be asked to work on a specific story within Truly Media collaborative platform. Each team will have to deliver a fact checking report, by filling in corresponding…
Take the test: Can you spot the difference? POLITICO decided in April 2024, just a couple months prior to the EU Elections to put its readers to the test. See for yourself how prone you are on detecting falsehood online as opposed to…
Compulsory Reading Clare Wardle spoke almost 7 years back about the importance of collaborative fact checking. Different specializations need to get together to assess the veracity of a news item, something that’s often overlooked. Read and write…
Compulsory Reading Michele Weigle is a professor of computer science at Old Dominion University, where she co-leads the Web Science and Digital Libraries (WS-DL) research group. Read her take on the importance of Web Archiving and write…
Compulsory Reading Read about the promises and challenges of OSINT for journalism, in the Columbia Journalism Review Interview with Alexis Koenig, co-faculty director of the Human Rights Center and director of its Investigations Lab, as well as…