trAiNing mediA professionals on appLYing advanced, high-impact digital technologieS to combat dISinformation
We train media professionals on applying advanced, high-Impact digital technologies
ANALYSIS is a multinational, intensive education program designed to counter disinformation in Greece, Austria, and Portugal.
Our Mission
Create Flexible, Inclusive & Innovative Learning Experiences
Assist news organizations and professional journalists in mastering news verification through digital learning processes and learning-by-doing strategies
Enable journalists to acquire hands-on experience as fact-checkers
Our Results
Our intensive program is meant to help out everyone involved to learn quickly and efficiently how to encounter falsified information on multiple media.
Fact-Checking Academy for Journalists
Embark on a 6-week intensive program that equips journalists with the skills needed to combat misinformation.
Fact-Checking Starter Pack
Explore our guide designed to help media organizations discover all available resources supporting them in news verification.
Introduction to Hands-on Fact-Checking
Join our inclusive, easy-to-follow, and free MOOC in English, intended for everyone interested in the art of fact-checking.